Storage 101: Sorting Out Your Shoes

Have you ever found yourself in a hurry and not found the one pair of shoes you based your entire outfit on? Or you’ve found one sneaker, but for the life of you, can’t find the second? This is basically because you’ve failed at storing your shoes properly. Rather, you’ve failed to organize and sort your shoes into categories. Shoe sorting can be extremely easy, but you’ve got to spend a Sunday afternoon on this. Sounds hectic, right? But you’ll reap the results in the long run, when you make your meeting/ date/ class in time. We’re breaking down this #MetroTip to help you organize your shoe closet.





Start by dividing all your footwear into two groups

1) Frequently worn shoes

2) Rarely worn shoes

When you’re divvying up your shoes, the frequently worn shoes would be your work wear, casual wear and basic everyday shoes. Rarely worn shoes will be your wedding wear, seasonal footwear and fancy shoes. If you’re having a tough time sorting out your date wear and fitness wear, you can look back on your lifestyle and take a call on that.

#ProTip: If you want to start working out more often, use this as an exercise and sort your sports shoes out into the frequently worn pile.

After having divided them up, set your frequently worn shoes aside and dive into the rarely worn shoes. Store them away, preferably on a higher shelf that you never end up using. This way they stay out of your way when you’re in a hurry.

#ProTip: If area permits, store them in labeled plastic containers, to avoid dust and other gunk settling on them.



Now go back to your frequently worn pairs and further divide them up based on occasion- date night footwear, work wear, shopping shoes/ shoes that are easy to walk around in and so on. Further divide them up into the styles, wedges together, pumps together, espadrilles together, etc. Place these shoes on the shelves/racks closest to you depending upon the frequency and then radiate outwards.

#ProTip: You can take it one step further and organize them based on colour, but that’s if you own a large number of shoes.

Yes, this will require some dedication, but trust us, it’ll be worth it in the future. Share with us your tips on organizing your shoe closet and stand a chance to be featured on our blog, facebook and instagram.