6 Go-To Shoes Anytime, Anywhere

Pocket Square
Shoes ?

Running to pick your footwear right before heading out? For those of us who are used to rely on the eleventh hour, often leave picking the shoes for the last. What might seem like the last in the preparation list is actually one of the most significant parts for a polished appearance. The sound of your walk, the first step when you enter, the introduction of your presence in the room—not many realize but seven out of ten people do not miss to notice the shoes of the people they meet.

Hasty dressing doesn’t make for a very attractive outcome, but if you have a game plan even last-minute look can be designed fashionably.

Do the Derby

In office

Derby Shoes

Office is not just about dressy formals and pressing keyboard buttons melodiously, now we know. Never ceasing meeting preps, visit from the head-office and client invitations are few of the many scenarios where office looks need a quick brush-up. Pick a Davinchi Derby for an effortless formal look.

Finding ways to style your Derby Shoes? Look here.

Vogue in Brogue

For parties

Brogue shoes

A party look never allows a miss. To keep up with the crowd go for a brogue blindly. Its sophisticated formal look when dashed with fancy perforations, never lets one down. Let us help you to pair’em up well.

Shoot with Chelsea Boots



Close-fitting and ankle high, Chlesea boots provide an instant amp up to the look. The elastic side panel doesn’t just make it comfortable but also more attractive in daylight. A quick meet up with friends or a coffee-date, let Chelsea help you, groom. Dress dapper with our new collection of Da-Vinchi shoes, here’s how to wear your boots!

Feel free in a Kolhapuri

For traditional occasions

Kolhapuris for Men

Even with a stunning shoe collection, an ethnic attire can leave us wondering about how to go about it when it comes to the footwear. To play it safe and simple go for Kolhapuris—they are comfy, bright and blazing, apt for a traditional environment.  Check out our collection.

Laze in Loafers

For street strolls


A Sunday brunch, a spontaneous shopping spree, or just a walk in the neighbourhood—loafers know how to keep it cool and breezy and still leave a mark. Pick a Horsebeit loafer for dusk and flaunt your Tassel in bright light, here’s how.

Match with a Monk

For unplanned getaways

Monk Strap Shoes

The most fun getaways are the ones where we don’t have a set itinerary. If you are heading to one such adventure, count of Monk shoes for a perfect look. Dress up for a fancy dinner or dress down for an evening at the pub—wherever you are, set a style statement with Double Monk shoes.