Bridal Shoe Checklist: Checklist for Perfect Pair of Wedding Shoes – Metro Shoes

The Bridal Shoe Checklist



The Wedding bells are Chiming!!!

Your big day is around the corner and the preparations are in full swing.  My, do we all have plans for our D-Day. You probably have ledgers and ledgers of ideas marked as wedding checklists sitting on every available surface of your home.

Well, amidst the entire hustle bustle to get this special day just right, let’s not forget the game changers. No, by that we don’t mean your vows (though, you should probably go through them once again, you know just to do an extra spell check!)

By that we mean the one thing that completes every bride’s Cinderella fantasy. Heart-stoppingly beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous Wedding shoes! Here’s an ideal checklist to ensure you find the perfect pair for your wedding:

1) Down The Aisle:

The most important thing to keep in mind while picking out the perfect shoe is that ‘They are made for walking,’  This means, as dainty and elegant as you want them to be, they need to be absolutely comfortable as well.  A bumpy shoe is the first step to unmitigated wedding disasters. If heels are your best friend, you can experiment with one of our ornate sandals for that extra height.

ornate-sandals2) S-Worn In:

We know, we know it may seem almost barbaric to wear out your wedding shoes before the special day but brand new, squeaky shoes can cast a shadow of shoe bite pains over your perfect day. Break-in your shoes by wearing them for about a half hour every day, ideally a week or two before your big day.

Don’t forget the shoe cushions while shopping for your Wedding Shoes. One of the most underestimated shoe accessories, shoe padding provides you with extra comfort and support all day long while protecting your dainty feet from shoe bites and cramps.



3) Picture Perfect Feet:

Pedicures and foot massages are a given when it comes to your pre-wedding primping. But you can also regularly pamper your feet by using some of our efficient products to keep them sparkling and dainty.

4) Off The Rack:

Just the thought of a bridesmaid wearing anything off the rack makes us faint. It’s just not happening. If you are a bridesmaid make sure you co-ordinate your outfit especially the shoes with the bride-to-be, before finalising them.

As a Bride, if you yourself are planning the attire for your Maid of Honour and Bridesmaids pay special heed to their shoes and make sure they are comfortable and easy for them to perform the tedious errands of the wedding day in.


5) Dancing Shoes:

When it comes to weddings, some Feet Tapping and Beat Bhangra are indubitable. But wouldn’t it be great if we all could dance our hearts out and not have our feet kill us the following day? Well, the solution is quite simple. Just leave out a few extra easy to slip-on pairs for them to change into before they rock the dance floor.

With the never concluding shopping calls and the endless visits to the jewellers, it becomes easy to forget the little details that make your wedding, Sole-Happy.  Include these pointers in your wedding checklist when you look for the perfect Bridal shoes and twirl on as a diva on your Special Day.
